Inspiration in Nature

I am constantly inspired by nature. Hiking in the Northwest, strolling along the beach, exploring a botanic garden, growing vegetable plants from seed or just getting down close to something on the earth and taking a slow moment to notice of its form and function. Naturally occurring beauty is the best. Simple, purposeful and tested through the times by Mother Nature herself. I recently visited the Mission San Juan Capistrano with my best friend and we spent a wonderful afternoon strolling through the gardens oohhing and aahhhing over the lovingly-tended gardens and photographing the natural wonders all around. The lotus pond was a favorite of mine - a symbol I am often drawn do in my design business and also my pottery studio. The perfect spread of petals, the soft gradation of color, the amazing way each plant floats on the water top nourished by its roots through one, long, spindly cord, not unlike the umbilical cord that nourishes a fetus in utero. 

Lily Pads at Mission San Juan Capistrano, by Melissa Beckwith